当地时间2024年9月10日,首届中拉人权圆桌会在巴西里约热内卢举行。会上,中国人权研究会、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院、巴西弗鲁米嫩塞联邦大学法学院三方用中、葡、英三语联合发布《共同目标:中拉人权发展合作的现状与未来》智库研究报告,这是首个中拉人权领域智库研究报告。(文案/制图:中青报·中青网记者 李媛媛)

The First China-LAC Human Rights Think Tank Research Report Released in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

On September 10, 2024, the first China-Latin America Human Rights Roundtable was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the meeting, the Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies, the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, and the Law School of Fluminense Federal University in Brazil jointly released the think tank research report titled "Common Goals:China-Latin America and the Caribbean Cooperation on Human Rights Development,the Present and the Future" in Chinese, Portuguese, and English. (By LiYuanyuan/China Youth Daily)
